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Showing posts from April, 2017

Healthy Breakfast Recipe you can try with your kids

Like any mum I wanted to cook wonderful, creative and healthy meals for my kiddo. Even my Kid was never a fussy eater but I liked to make fancy, decorative and eye appealing meals/ snacks. But soon started to realize more I prepared Jazzed-up meals for him his expectation too increased there were times when I gave him simple dal, roti and he would make faces. Let’s face it such meals can only be prepared once or twice in a week not everyday! We mums already have so much to accomplish everyday! So here, are my simple yet delicious two recipe’s that appeal to kids eyes and help those taste buds to develop. These 2 recipe's can be combined to be served as a healthy breakfast.  This is usually our Sunday Breakfast! Recipe 1- Kryptonite Parantha/ Palak ka Parantha:  This name is given by my son and it’s his fav parantha because of the color, ofcourse and also it has power to defeat even Superman. Ingredients Required: Spinach/Palak- 500gms Garlic- 2/...

Something for our favorite Little Pipal

Brand Review: The Pipal- Personalised solutions for kids. The Pipal lets you shop for unique Personalized Products, Gifts & Accessories . They have an amazing product range includes nursery and room décor, personalized towels and many more items for infants, toddlers and adults. This is one kids brand that is personally so close to my heart. As I have seen The Pipal grow through years. I first saw their website when my son was born and I was looking for the bumper for my baby’s cot. The website at that time was very raw with few functionality issues and very little designs ( this was about 4 and a half years back), but that time too I was so impressed with the designs , big bright colored motifs and personalization options offered by this kids brand. Since then my son has used most of their collection be it their Jungle Themed Cot Bumper , or his first Diaper Bag , then came the time when my son became a big super-hero fan, here too The Pipal came to our rescue...

Mommy with a Bun

Dropping your kids to school or stepping out to do your daily chores, you see her… Tying her Frizzy Hair in a Bun. Spot her, help her. She might be slipping away.  Tell her you have been in the same boat and ALL WILL BE WELL. (Pic Courtesy: Google) Tell her to start believing her mother instincts and it’s time to enjoy her imperfections. Ask her to take time for herself, Mommy needs to be mothered once in a while. Hire a Nanny for a day, or take help from your spouse we all know motherhood can be very exhausting. Take a Break once in a while, soak your feet wet in a long bubble bath. (Pic Courtesy: Google) Yah we know when the kid is asleep you have a whole load of work to be accomplished. You need to clean the house, do the laundry, keep the toys away, go to the loo blah blah blah…but the house is clean enough to raise a healthy kid. Somethings can wait but when your child is up you will have to be that Mom again. Learn to “Let Go”, Don’t be...

Mumma Thinks I Am His Servant -The Importance of Household Chores

This was not a big thing at first, but more I thought about it.... I was   Hurt ! courtesy: Google  We as moms try again and again to make lives of our kids perfect, we try to fulfill their wishes to the best of our abilities but as a   parent , sometimes it seems like our day is filled with an endless stream of backtalk from your  kids. My kid is just 4, being the youngest and the first born in a Big Fat Indian Joint Family he is a pampered one and I am the sole person who sees they do not go overboard with it. So basically, I am the bad Guy (mom’s usually are). I am very particular about asking him to carry out the tasks that I feel he is perfectly capable of doing , like: keeping his toys away after he is done playing, keeps his shoes at the proper place, fetches his own glass of water etc . But always felt somehow he was small to carry out tasks for others. Whenever someone asks him to fetch water me being the supermom I tend to be comes t...