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Healthy Breakfast Recipe you can try with your kids

Like any mum I wanted to cook wonderful, creative and healthy meals for my kiddo. Even my Kid was never a fussy eater but I liked to make fancy, decorative and eye appealing meals/ snacks. But soon started to realize more I prepared Jazzed-up meals for him his expectation too increased there were times when I gave him simple dal, roti and he would make faces. Let’s face it such meals can only be prepared once or twice in a week not everyday! We mums already have so much to accomplish everyday! So here, are my simple yet delicious two recipe’s that appeal to kids eyes and help those taste buds to develop. These 2 recipe's can be combined to be served as a healthy breakfast.  This is usually our Sunday Breakfast! Recipe 1- Kryptonite Parantha/ Palak ka Parantha:  This name is given by my son and it’s his fav parantha because of the color, ofcourse and also it has power to defeat even Superman. Ingredients Required: Spinach/Palak- 500gms Garlic- 2/...

How Motherhood Changed Me

Don’t we all wish motherhood would come with a Little Black Book which could help us cheat whenever Life gets tough. Even after 4 years of being a mom, there are time where i still feel like a new mom all anxious and confused, who could not sleep for 7 days straight when she first held her son, Kabbir. But isn’t it ironic that those Groundhog Day’s in a mom’s life are the ones that taught me the most and helped me grow.

Motherhood has changed my life in profound ways…

So here are my top 10 ways Motherhood has changed my life.

10. Rome wasn’t built in a day:

Motherhood has definitely helped me understand the Phrase “Rome wasn’t built in a day”. We may have N number of things to do at one time, you may have a house to clean, a toy rampage to organize or a clingy toddler who would not just settle, a sink full of dishes and millions of house chores to finish but I have understood motherhood is EXHAUSTING.It takes time but I have learnt to relax and say it is OKAY! 
Yes, it is okay to let go of few things and take a few minutes for yourself and relax those nerves.

9. Perfection is a myth:

Heard of the phrase “Daag Ache Hai” to be honest in a mum’s life “Daag Sachhe Hai”. Motherhood has taught me to be more tolerant towards Imperfections. Imperfections in myself or in other’s. You may enter my home and see a nagging mom trying to get her kid to clean his mess or you may find me sleeping when I have a whole mess to clean as well as house chores to finish. 

I have come peace with the idea the certain level of clutter and chaos is evident in an Imperfectly Perfect Mum’s Life.
The house may not be Perfectly Clean and that is Perfectly fine!

8.All you need is a Hot Shower in this Whole Wide World:

You may have gone to the best of Spa’s or got the best of massages but as a mother I look forward for some quiet time in my hot shower time (without Kabbir banging or crying, pleading me to come out) to be very Therapeutic. I just never knew that I could stare onto those white tiles for such a long time while my little monkey goes wild without me for those 15 min’s. But these hot showers have helped me go through some rough times  and helped me remember who I am and what I am about.

7. Things always work somehow:

Even though things rarely go as planned in a mom's life I’ve learnt things workout….ALWAYS! 
You may have a science project to complete in a night or had to deal life without sleeping 3 hours straight. Motherhood has definitely made stretch my limits to the extent where I thought i could break and face everyday with little bit of courage and loads of faith.  

6. Motherhood has made me a better Cook:

I am one lazy person when it comes to cooking. If I would have been the same person before i got married or had Kabbir, he would have survived on Maggie alone. Motherhood has helped me to be motivated by love rather than praises by my Kiddo. So everyday, I brace myself and even after inevitable whining by Kabbir (who finds my food disgusting regardless of the love & effort i put in) I try and make delicious and different food everyday which even my husband finds delicious by adult standards :)
Motherhood can be a Thankless job a great deal of times, despite our best efforts to teach kids to be grateful. 

But THAT IS OKAY! Because the joy of feeding my kid far more lasting than his fleeting compliments.

5. I can Multitask:

As we Mom’s learn to survive by putting way to much effort to keep our house altogether despite of kids, dogs and yes a baby like husband. Multi tasking is the most natural and my goto skill that comes handy after becoming a mother. I never knew i could hold my toddler on my hip, cook dinner, while answering a phone call and also think about my next Instagram post…ALL AT THE SAME TIME!

4. Motherhood has made me Calm:

I have gained all new respect for the amount of damage my son and his dad’s playtime can do to our house in a very short interval of time. Mother’s job is never done, but i have learnt to survive and find satisfaction in my ongoing work & accept my pay days in the form of Hugs and Smiles, 

and i love to see how my Kiddo thrives under my care.

3. Motherhood has made me loose my coolness…and that is cool!

If you are a mother you would understand how long  a mom can spend discussing about the color of her kid’s poop or discuss the contents of their vomit. You may find my son wiping his dirty hands on my shirt, or me acting all cool besides an unconsolable toddler crying on the floor of a toy store, or helping him run across the mall so that we could make it to the public restroom before he pee’s in the public!
I may sound shady and uncool but we mother’s have somehow embraced this lifestyle with bit of confidence and loads of motherly love. Yet I am proud of the fact that we may not be cool…probably ever! still enjoy it and making memories out of it.

2. My Life may never be my own…and that is a good thing:

It is sometimes overwhelming how every decision I take would have consequences on Kabbir's life. He makes me want to be much more than I am . Motherhood has and will continue to teach me to be Selfless, Compassionate, Patient, Courageous and Empathetic.

It has changed me FOREVER!

1. I may not judge anyone EVER:

I have realized that I may think I know Everything but raising a kid takes the effort of a whole village. Before having Kabbir I used to see all confused parents, stressed and thought they must be doing something wrong to have their kids acting up like that. Now I just want to run to every mother I see at a store with a child throwing a tantrum and hug them or give them a pep talk that it will be okay. I freely admit i know nothing when it comes to parenting every kid comes with different temperament and personality and all mum’s have different set of challenges to deal with them. instead a passing on my advice i just find cheering up an exhausting mum and do our best to navigate her through rough waters by sharing our stories of motherhood to be very useful.

Life took a new meaning and fullness just because of the presence of a little person in my life and I started to forget what life was before I had a baby ( okay may be rough days I remember, I may remember  some of the peace and quiet and child-free vacations/ child free bathroom moments ) but for most of the part I would never trade any of those for the joy his smile could bring to my heart. I now am entertained by simple things in life watching kabbir and his dad making a play house or to see him laying near a pile of toys and acting all silly.
I ask myself what did I do to entertain before i had a kid?

So I guess it is all worth it! do you Agree?

- That Imperfect Mom

I would love to Thank Pooja Kawatra for making me part of this Blog Train. Do read here blog “Mums & Babies” and the entire schedule of the Blog Train Here.

and now the next stop, Rashmi from NotJustMommying, who is a Hospitality professional and educator turned blogger. A proud cloth- diapering, co-sleeping, breastfeeding mom. She writes in an attempt to make Mommying simpler for other new mom’s. though a caring mommy to her baby but she is NoyJustmommying.


  1. I can totally relate to all those 10 points. Motherhood has made a super woman and I am very happy for that 😊

  2. Sharvi here from startmoms blog. Absolutely agree to your post.... And I totally agree with hot shower part.. Best thing ever πŸ˜€

  3. I love this backward picture! It's super hilarious! And I completely agree with u on judging πŸ™ˆ

  4. I love this post! Every word resonates with Motherhood!! Can so so relate

  5. You actually wrote my heart out! πŸ™ˆπŸ˜❤️
    I know i would never ever judge anybody whatsoever again πŸ˜…

  6. Totally agree on all the points with you, specially the hot shower and the judging bit :) good read!

  7. The part about not judging anyone ever. Thank God for this lesson that motherhood teaches us!

  8. This comment has been removed by the author.

  9. Wow Nandita.. can totally relate to all ten points! Especially the last one.. I know I was so very judgemental pre-baby. But like they say, “jab khud pe ayegi tab pata chalega” 😼😸

  10. Wow tat was an awesome read. I can totally relate to almost all . Especially the judging ppl part...Motherhood is such a beautiful journey in which we need to get lost sometimes to enjoy it ...


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